Peer Reviewed Publications
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32. Paterson JE, Bortolotti LE, Kowal PD, Pidwerbesky AJ, Devries JH. 2024.Predicting the effects of land cover change on biodiversity in Prairie Canada using species distribution models. Biological Conservation 298, 110754
31. Stewart D, Lievesley M, Paterson JE, Hennigar D, Ingham R, Knight R, Mason B, Balke E. 2024. Factors influencing the resilience of created tidal marshes in the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia. Wetlands 44(53)
30. Houle C , Turcotte A , Paterson JE , Blouin-Demers G , Garant D. 2024. A step-by-step method to quantify coloration with digital photograph. MethodsX 102648
29. Dillon RM, Paterson JE, Manorome P, Ritchie K, Shirose L, Slavik E, and Davy CM. 2024. Effects of ophidiomycosis on movement, survival, and reproduction of eastern foxsnakes (Pantherophis vulpinus). Scientific Reports 14 (1), 4948.
28. Wijewardena T, Mandrak N, Paterson JE, Davy CM, Edge CE, Lentini AM, and Litzgus JD. 2024. Effects of release method on the survival, somatic growth, and body condition of headstarted turtles. Journal of Wildlife Management 88(1): e22505
27. Porter E, Paterson JE, and Davy CM. 2024. Testing “bigger is better” and maternal effects hypotheses in hatchlings of the sexually dimorphic spiny softshell turtle (Apalone spinifera). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
26. Paterson JE, Bortolotti L, Boychuk L. 2023. A wetland permanence classification tool to support prairie wetland conservation and policy implementation. Conservation Science and Practice 5(7): e12954
25. Dillon RM, Paterson JE, Manorome P, Ritchie K, Shirose L, Slavik E, and Davy CM. 2022. Seasonal and interspecific variation in the prevalence and resolution of ophidiomycosis in free-ranging snakes. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 58(4): 791-802
24. Hjort A*, Browning L*, Angoh SYJ, Paterson JE, and Davy CM. 2022. Night moves: Nocturnal movements of endangered spotted turtles and Blanding’s turtles. Journal of Zoology 316: 40-48 *contributed equally
23. Paterson JE, Pulfer T, Horrigan E, Sukumar S, Vezina BI, Zimmerling R, Davy CM. 2021. Individual and synergistic effects of habitat loss and roads on reptile occupancy. Global Ecology and Conservation 31(November 2021): e01865
22. Davy CM, Shirose L, Sigler L, Campbell D, Dillon R, Mackenzie C, Nemeth NM, Braithwaite T, Cai H, Degazio T, Dobbie T, Egan S, Fotherby H, Litzgus J, Manarome P, Marks S, Paterson JE, Slavic D, Slavik E, Urquhart J, and Jardine C. 2021. Revisiting ophidiomycosis (snake fungal disease) after a decade of targeted research. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8: 665805. OA link:
21. Angoh SYJ, Freeland J, Paterson JE, Rupasinghe PA, and Davy CM. 2021. Effects of invasive wetland macrophytes on habitat selection and movement by freshwater turtles. Biological Invasions 23(7): 2271-2288. OA link:
20. Paterson JE*, Carstairs S, and Davy CM*. 2021. Population-level effects of wildlife rehabilitation and release vary with life-history strategy. Journal for Nature Conservation 61: 125983. OA link: *contributed equally
19. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2020. High tolerance of two parasites in ornate tree lizards reduces the fitness costs of parasitism. Journal of Zoology 312(2): 102-110 pdf
18. Davy CM. Donaldson ME, Bandouchova H, Breit AM, Dorville NAS, Dzal YA, Kovacova V, Kunkel EL, Martínková N, Norquay KJO, Paterson JE, Zukal J, Pikula J, Willis CKR, and Kyle CJ. 2020. Transcriptional host-pathogen responses of Pseudogymnoascus destructans and three species of bats during white-nose syndrome. Virulence 11(1): 781-794.
17. Paterson JE, Baxter-Gilbert J, Beaudry F, Carstairs S, Chow-Fraser P, Edge CB, Lentini AM, Litzgus JD, Markle CE, McKeown K, Moore JA, Refsnider JM, Riley JL, Rouse JD, Seburn DC, Zimmerling JR, and Davy CM. 2019. Road avoidance and its energetic consequences for reptiles. Ecology and Evolution 9(17): 9794-9803 Blog post:
16. *Carstairs S, *Paterson JE, Jager KL, Gasbarrini D, Mui AB, and *Davy CM. 2019. Population reinforcement increases juvenile recruitment rates in an endangered freshwater turtle. Animal Conservation 22(6): 589-599 *contributed equally pdf
15. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2018. Tree lizard (Urosaurus ornatus) growth decreases with population density, but increases with habitat quality. Journal of Experimental Zoology-A Ecological and Integrative Physiology 329(10): 527-535. pdf
14. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2018. Male throat colour polymorphism is related to differences in space use and in habitat selection in tree lizards. Journal of Zoology 306(2): 101-109. pdf
13. Paterson JE, Weiss SL, and Blouin-Demers G. 2018. Experimental removal reveals only weak interspecific competition between two coexisting lizards. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96(8): 888-896. pdf
12. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2018. Density-dependent habitat selection predicts fitness and abundance in a small lizard. Oikos 127(3): 448-459. pdf
11. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2017. Distinguishing discrete polymorphism from continuous variation in throat colour of tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121: 72-81. pdf
10. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2017. Do ectotherms partition thermal resources? We still do not know. Oecologia 183(2): 337-345. pdf
9. Mui AB, Edge CB, Paterson JE, Caverhill B, Johnson B, Litzgus JD, and He Y. 2015. Nesting sites in agricultural landscapes may reduce the reproductive success of Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) populations. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94(1): 61-67. pdf
8. Lennox R, Choi K, Harrison PM , Paterson JE, Peat TB, Ward TD, and Cooke SJ. 2015. Improving science-based invasive species management with physiological knowledge, concepts, and tools. Biological Invasions 17(8): 2213-2227. pdf
7. *Halliday WD, *Paterson JE, *Patterson LD, Cooke SJ, and Blouin-Demers G. 2014. Testosterone, body size, and sexual signals predict parasite load in Yarrow’s Spiny Lizards (Sceloporus jarrovii). Canadian Journal of Zoology 92(12): 1075-1082. pdf
*contributed equally and considered joint first authors.
6. Paterson JE, Steinberg B, and Litzgus JD. 2014. Effects of body size, habitat selection and exposure on hatchling turtle survival. Journal of Zoology 294(4): 278-285. pdf
5. Davy CM, Paterson JE, and Leifso AE. 2014. When righting is wrong: performance measures require rank repeatability for estimates of individual fitness. Animal Behaviour 93: 15-23. pdf
4. Paterson JE, Steinberg B, and Litzgus JD. 2013. Not just any old pile of dirt: Evaluating the use of artificial nesting mounds as conservation tools for freshwater turtles. Oryx 47(4): 607-615. pdf
3. Paterson JE, Steinberg B, and Litzgus JD. 2012. Generally specialized or especially general? Habitat selection by Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) in central Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 139-149. pdf
2. Paterson JE, Steinberg B, and Litzgus JD. 2012. Revealing a cryptic life history stage: Differences in habitat selection and survivorship between hatchlings of two turtle species at risk (Glyptemys insculpta and Emydoidea blandingii). Wildlife Research 39: 408-418. pdf
1. Rasmussen ML, Paterson JE, and Litzgus JD. 2009. Foraging ecology of Spotted Turtles (Clemmys guttata) in Ontario. Herpetological Review 40: 286-288. pdf
Follow my research updates on ResearchGate
If you would like a copy of a paper, please email me.
32. Paterson JE, Bortolotti LE, Kowal PD, Pidwerbesky AJ, Devries JH. 2024.Predicting the effects of land cover change on biodiversity in Prairie Canada using species distribution models. Biological Conservation 298, 110754
31. Stewart D, Lievesley M, Paterson JE, Hennigar D, Ingham R, Knight R, Mason B, Balke E. 2024. Factors influencing the resilience of created tidal marshes in the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia. Wetlands 44(53)
30. Houle C , Turcotte A , Paterson JE , Blouin-Demers G , Garant D. 2024. A step-by-step method to quantify coloration with digital photograph. MethodsX 102648
29. Dillon RM, Paterson JE, Manorome P, Ritchie K, Shirose L, Slavik E, and Davy CM. 2024. Effects of ophidiomycosis on movement, survival, and reproduction of eastern foxsnakes (Pantherophis vulpinus). Scientific Reports 14 (1), 4948.
28. Wijewardena T, Mandrak N, Paterson JE, Davy CM, Edge CE, Lentini AM, and Litzgus JD. 2024. Effects of release method on the survival, somatic growth, and body condition of headstarted turtles. Journal of Wildlife Management 88(1): e22505
27. Porter E, Paterson JE, and Davy CM. 2024. Testing “bigger is better” and maternal effects hypotheses in hatchlings of the sexually dimorphic spiny softshell turtle (Apalone spinifera). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
26. Paterson JE, Bortolotti L, Boychuk L. 2023. A wetland permanence classification tool to support prairie wetland conservation and policy implementation. Conservation Science and Practice 5(7): e12954
25. Dillon RM, Paterson JE, Manorome P, Ritchie K, Shirose L, Slavik E, and Davy CM. 2022. Seasonal and interspecific variation in the prevalence and resolution of ophidiomycosis in free-ranging snakes. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 58(4): 791-802
24. Hjort A*, Browning L*, Angoh SYJ, Paterson JE, and Davy CM. 2022. Night moves: Nocturnal movements of endangered spotted turtles and Blanding’s turtles. Journal of Zoology 316: 40-48 *contributed equally
23. Paterson JE, Pulfer T, Horrigan E, Sukumar S, Vezina BI, Zimmerling R, Davy CM. 2021. Individual and synergistic effects of habitat loss and roads on reptile occupancy. Global Ecology and Conservation 31(November 2021): e01865
22. Davy CM, Shirose L, Sigler L, Campbell D, Dillon R, Mackenzie C, Nemeth NM, Braithwaite T, Cai H, Degazio T, Dobbie T, Egan S, Fotherby H, Litzgus J, Manarome P, Marks S, Paterson JE, Slavic D, Slavik E, Urquhart J, and Jardine C. 2021. Revisiting ophidiomycosis (snake fungal disease) after a decade of targeted research. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8: 665805. OA link:
21. Angoh SYJ, Freeland J, Paterson JE, Rupasinghe PA, and Davy CM. 2021. Effects of invasive wetland macrophytes on habitat selection and movement by freshwater turtles. Biological Invasions 23(7): 2271-2288. OA link:
20. Paterson JE*, Carstairs S, and Davy CM*. 2021. Population-level effects of wildlife rehabilitation and release vary with life-history strategy. Journal for Nature Conservation 61: 125983. OA link: *contributed equally
19. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2020. High tolerance of two parasites in ornate tree lizards reduces the fitness costs of parasitism. Journal of Zoology 312(2): 102-110 pdf
18. Davy CM. Donaldson ME, Bandouchova H, Breit AM, Dorville NAS, Dzal YA, Kovacova V, Kunkel EL, Martínková N, Norquay KJO, Paterson JE, Zukal J, Pikula J, Willis CKR, and Kyle CJ. 2020. Transcriptional host-pathogen responses of Pseudogymnoascus destructans and three species of bats during white-nose syndrome. Virulence 11(1): 781-794.
17. Paterson JE, Baxter-Gilbert J, Beaudry F, Carstairs S, Chow-Fraser P, Edge CB, Lentini AM, Litzgus JD, Markle CE, McKeown K, Moore JA, Refsnider JM, Riley JL, Rouse JD, Seburn DC, Zimmerling JR, and Davy CM. 2019. Road avoidance and its energetic consequences for reptiles. Ecology and Evolution 9(17): 9794-9803 Blog post:
16. *Carstairs S, *Paterson JE, Jager KL, Gasbarrini D, Mui AB, and *Davy CM. 2019. Population reinforcement increases juvenile recruitment rates in an endangered freshwater turtle. Animal Conservation 22(6): 589-599 *contributed equally pdf
15. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2018. Tree lizard (Urosaurus ornatus) growth decreases with population density, but increases with habitat quality. Journal of Experimental Zoology-A Ecological and Integrative Physiology 329(10): 527-535. pdf
14. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2018. Male throat colour polymorphism is related to differences in space use and in habitat selection in tree lizards. Journal of Zoology 306(2): 101-109. pdf
13. Paterson JE, Weiss SL, and Blouin-Demers G. 2018. Experimental removal reveals only weak interspecific competition between two coexisting lizards. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96(8): 888-896. pdf
12. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2018. Density-dependent habitat selection predicts fitness and abundance in a small lizard. Oikos 127(3): 448-459. pdf
11. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2017. Distinguishing discrete polymorphism from continuous variation in throat colour of tree lizards, Urosaurus ornatus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 121: 72-81. pdf
10. Paterson JE and Blouin-Demers G. 2017. Do ectotherms partition thermal resources? We still do not know. Oecologia 183(2): 337-345. pdf
9. Mui AB, Edge CB, Paterson JE, Caverhill B, Johnson B, Litzgus JD, and He Y. 2015. Nesting sites in agricultural landscapes may reduce the reproductive success of Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) populations. Canadian Journal of Zoology 94(1): 61-67. pdf
8. Lennox R, Choi K, Harrison PM , Paterson JE, Peat TB, Ward TD, and Cooke SJ. 2015. Improving science-based invasive species management with physiological knowledge, concepts, and tools. Biological Invasions 17(8): 2213-2227. pdf
7. *Halliday WD, *Paterson JE, *Patterson LD, Cooke SJ, and Blouin-Demers G. 2014. Testosterone, body size, and sexual signals predict parasite load in Yarrow’s Spiny Lizards (Sceloporus jarrovii). Canadian Journal of Zoology 92(12): 1075-1082. pdf
*contributed equally and considered joint first authors.
6. Paterson JE, Steinberg B, and Litzgus JD. 2014. Effects of body size, habitat selection and exposure on hatchling turtle survival. Journal of Zoology 294(4): 278-285. pdf
5. Davy CM, Paterson JE, and Leifso AE. 2014. When righting is wrong: performance measures require rank repeatability for estimates of individual fitness. Animal Behaviour 93: 15-23. pdf
4. Paterson JE, Steinberg B, and Litzgus JD. 2013. Not just any old pile of dirt: Evaluating the use of artificial nesting mounds as conservation tools for freshwater turtles. Oryx 47(4): 607-615. pdf
3. Paterson JE, Steinberg B, and Litzgus JD. 2012. Generally specialized or especially general? Habitat selection by Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) in central Ontario. Canadian Journal of Zoology 90: 139-149. pdf
2. Paterson JE, Steinberg B, and Litzgus JD. 2012. Revealing a cryptic life history stage: Differences in habitat selection and survivorship between hatchlings of two turtle species at risk (Glyptemys insculpta and Emydoidea blandingii). Wildlife Research 39: 408-418. pdf
1. Rasmussen ML, Paterson JE, and Litzgus JD. 2009. Foraging ecology of Spotted Turtles (Clemmys guttata) in Ontario. Herpetological Review 40: 286-288. pdf
Other Publications
Natural history notes
I also have coauthored several technical reports:
- Paterson JE, McDermott M, Steinberg B, and Litzgus JD. 2011. Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding's Turtle). Hatchling behaviour. Herpetological Review 42(3): 418-419. pdf
- Riley JL, Paterson JE, and Litzgus JD. 2012. Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding's Turtle). Record clutch size. Herpetological Review 43(2): 326.
I also have coauthored several technical reports:
- Paterson JE. 2018. The indirect effects of roads on species at risk reptiles: road avoidance and energetic consequences. Submitted to Environment and Climate Change Canada.
- Paterson JE and Seburn D. 2015. How much effort is required to detect rare snakes using citizen science data? Submitted to Ontario Nature.
- Rasmussen ML and Paterson JE. 2013. Draft survey guidelines for Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in Ontario. Submitted to the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
- Paterson JE and Litzgus JD. 2011. Habitat selection in a community of freshwater turtles. Submitted to Algonquin Provincial Park